Dermal Fillers additional information

The Aging Face
Supporting and rejuvenating the aging face is about re-draping and re-positioning facial skin, while improving hydration and supporting deeper structures.  

Fat Changes
As we age, we experience facial volume changes due to a loss and displacement of fatty tissue underneath our skin. This can give the face a more aged appearance and restoring this lost volume can achieve a more youthful face. 

Muscle Changes 
Facial muscles also weaken and atrophy with age and in this way contribute to the development of wrinkles and folds. Supporting these muscles with dermal fillers helps to contour your face and keep it looking youthful. 

Bony Changes
The older we become, the more our bones demineralise and become thin. This change also results in deeper skin folds. Supporting the facial bones with dermal fillers also helps to sculpt and rejuvenate your face. 

Dermal Filler injections are minimally invasive and well tolerated. The gel is gently injected underneath the skin to obtain the desired look. The effect is immediate but the full effect is realised over 2-6 weeks and can last from 6-12 months, depending on skin type and lifestyle. There is practically no downtime and you can go back to your usual activities immediately. You may experience some redness, swelling or bruising but this will usually settle over the course of 1 week. I advise drinking plenty of water after the procedure and avoiding vigorous exercise and hot baths and saunas for 24 hours after treatment. In


While Hyaluronic Acid (HA) bases fillers will naturally degrade over a period of months, It is also possible to reverse HA based dermal fillers with a product called Hyalase. Hyalase contains Hyaluronidase, an injectable enzyme solution which speeds up the breakdown of Hyaluronic Acid. The effects of Hyalase appear quickly, often within an hour of treatment, but the full effect may take 24-48 hours to become apparent. 

The cost will vary from patient to patient, depending on the amount of filler used and the area treated but as a guide, a 1ml syringe of dermal filler costs $650-$700.