Spider Vein/Thread Vein/Sclerotherapy additional information

I will be able to tell you if you are suitable for this treatment. If you are, the micro-injections you will receive will irritate the lining of your veins which will cause the veins to form fibrous threads which are then absorbed by your own body. 

You may be wondering what thread and spider veins are and why they form. They can often not be felt but can be seen as blue or red markings which can from a distance also look like a bruise. Often there may be a family history of these veins forming and certain professions are more at risk, ones that require you to be standing for long period of time. We also know that heavy lifting can also put you at risk of developing these veins and they often worsen in pregnancy. Women are much more likely to develop these veins and this may be due the effect of eostrogen on vascular walls. 

I normally charge $350-$450 per leg for this treatment, and you will receive a medicare rebate of approximately $90 per leg treated. I also normally ask that you wear support stockings for 7 days post treatment and refrain from heavy exercise for a week while doing daily gentle walking for 30 min.